Monday, May 12, 2014


When I was in the school, I never learn english, maths and chemistry well, because tha Subjects, never prepared the classes, never explain to anybody, and I feel so bad, because when I left it, and realized that I did not know anything. 

Then, I proposed myself to change that issue, especially in the public schools, like mine, where the level was so low and everybody get out without the basic knowledges. 

There are many reasons for me to choose this career, I must admit that at the begining I choose it, because I have just wanted to learn   English. I never saw pedagogical  factor, I though it was just a plus.

Despite of that, in the time I have been studying it, I have learned to value it, because rather than learning the subject (English). In this profession lies a great social and human responsibility, because we as teachers are educating the pieople who are going to build up the future of our societies in every aspect of the life.

Why English??

English is the language of the world, is the easiest language to learn, because its structure, because its manners and because ithe language required to achieved en the  global village in  en la aldea global en la que vivimos actualmente.


  1. Hi Lina, it`s really interesting your blog, the ideas that you posted here. In my case, I began this career aware about the pedagogical and teaching aspect, the thing that I was not thinking about so much was: English; it happened to me because I already had been a "teacher" in other "branches" or spaces and the final day to apply for the degree I chose at random this career because I wanted something that I could enjoy and I was good for. Although, I was thinking in apply to an engineering career :/ ,, anly a bit different form this one :D Right now, I am happy in this career and I agree with you, it allows us to improve our society and to be an influence, a powerful influence in the future generations :D

  2. Thank for your comment and I hope all the teachers thinks like this. Because with if we all contribute with "a grain of sand" for more little will be that we do. It can let us live longer and better in the near future, providing our children the best.

  3. That's so inspiring, and I'm agree with you. English is very important language and it open a lots of doors all around the world, just knowing English you can even go to any country you want to go and it's awesome that you've learned even having some issues at the begin.

    1. Thanks for your comment!! Also, it is important to take into considersation English is a "easy" language to learn because of the globalization; because of everybody has more touch with this language and it is really useful as you said before. :D

  4. Is great to know that someone thinks almost the same that me, if you wanna change the world, what are you waiting for?, is for it that I wanna be an English teacher just like you, is almost the same and i'm sure that we can, i'm really agree with you :).

    PS: nice blog!.

    1. Thanks,,, Really I think that we are chosen the best profession!! I hope we can do the best at this work!!! :D

  5. your reasons to study English are very similar to mine,but what we could do to change that?

    1. I think that those reasons change a long the career; after one or more years you can find that you love teaching or in other way, you can realise that you are not for this kind of job, but it is through the experience. Nowadays, I know that I love teaching, may be not english at all, but french or another kind of things (right now, I want to be an English teacher). I really want to teach!!!
